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MArch: Reflective Journal

Oliver Haigh

Semester 1 interim review

Updated: May 22, 2020

This was the first pin-up for this project with all previous tutorials being table-top tutorials. The selection of work that I showed focused on analysis of the site from different historical periods through to the present day, followed by presenting my research into permaculture and bamboo. Finally, I showed some rough sketch ideas of how things may begin to be applied to the site, based on a grid.

My presentation boards for the interim review

The review was a useful experience, as it incentivised me to 'zoom out' from the individual exercises that I was doing to pull together a more cohesive narrative of my investigations and proposals as a whole so far.

The positive feedback from my tutor Nick and my fellow students was that the historical to present day analysis was good, and that the ideas of permaculture and site-grown bamboo were good ones to explore further and seemed to tie-in well with the site analysis.

The main constructive criticism was that the beginnings of the site proposal development was underdeveloped (which I agree with), which is not necessarily a problem at this stage, but something to try and form more well-established ideas on for the final review of the semester.

There are a few suggested opportunities and next steps for the project at this stage. One is to test methods of representing the passage of time and how the site changes in reference to this in my work. This could be through experimental drawing and printing methods, or the use of film, for example. A second suggested strand of investigation is to move into model-making as a design-development tool, to test ideas and materiality. Finally, there is the need to think about the civic programme and how it relates to the ideas of permaculture and food production, as well as the material flows which are suggested by my notion of growing on site.


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