For the final review of the semester, I presented a few key conceptual things which had been present in the interim review, and then added some of my physical models and drawings to convey the ideas that I am currently working on, of using bamboo for temporary to permanent structures, and using living bamboo as a scaffold for formwork for casting upon. I also presented the timelapse site plan animation that I have been working on – as it currently stands, I have completed it from the 1845 to the present day, but haven't yet begun to add my future proposals to it.

Presentation drawings and models at the review
Having Adam Atraktzi as a guest critic was great, as he has already come in a couple of weeks beforehand and met a few of us and become a little familiar with our brief and the direction that our projects were beginning to take, so it felt like part of an ongoing conversation.
I felt that this review was a positive experience, and it has encouraged me to continue to pursue the latest idea of living bamboo as scaffold.
A few recommendations of things to explore came up. One of the main things was to begin to map my project onto the site plan and speculate how it begins to take over the site gradually, and to test out different ways of representing this. in this regard, there was positive feedback on my use of film/animation, which it was felt I should continue to use.
Animation (note - reduced frame rate and quality; I need to continue to learn how best to optimise film quality whilst keeping file size low enough for putting on websites)
Another was to consider in greater depth the opportunities for the roofscape – how it can become a second ecological membrane, and how it may alter things like the water table, for example. Related to the idea of cutting the bamboos, it was suggested that I could look into augmented reality, and it was brought to my attention that some farmers use this technology in a similar way, to know exactly where they should be planting certain crops, and so on. It was suggested that this could even be coupled with drone technology for cutting the bamboos at high level.
All of the ideas mentioned above are interesting concepts which I agree that I should explore, and I will now spend the next month and a half focusing on these for the DS3 draft portfolio submission at the end of January.