After spending quite a few hours in Rhino and Grasshopper, I have managed to write a Grasshopper definition which:
Gives me cut patterns to laser cut the pieces to make a physical model.
Serves as a proof of concept that this process could be achieved in real life.
I have written the definition in such a way that it could be given to anyone, and they simply need to input a 3D form which they want to be cast on the bamboo, and then the definition will generate:
The pieces to make the base of the model, with labelled holes for each 'bamboo'.
The bamboo pieces, each at the correct height and labelled to correspond to the base hole locations.
The net pieces for the faceted 3D form.
This post won't cover how I created the 3D form and derived the net patterns from it, but this topic is covered extensively in my Technology DSIT A report.
The GIF below shows the main stages of the definition and what they create in Rhino.
