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MArch: Reflective Journal

Oliver Haigh

Fabric formwork physical modelling: iteration two

In the second iteration, the variable that I changed was the heights of the bamboos. I retained equal heights around the perimeter, but altered the six in the middle to all be of different heights, some higher than those of the perimeter and some lower.

Learning from the previous iteration, I mixed a larger amount of plaster and was more careful adding the plaster to the water slowly, so that it didn't become too thick for pouring. As a result of these improvements, I achieved a wider and more even coverage.

Fabric formwork partially removed from the cast

I learned a few things from this iteration. One thing that it demonstrated is the variation in section depth that can be achieved through this process.

Finished cast, showing undulating form with varied section depth

A second, unanticipated thing that I discovered was how bamboo which is taller than those surrounding it can lead to apertures being created. This is because the plaster pools around it but doesn’t cover it. This is an interesting thing that I would only have found out through experimental physical modelling. It is something which could be used to deliberately build in a natural lighting strategy.

Creating spaces and allowing natural lighting through an aperture caused by a tall piece of bamboo being surrounded by shorter ones


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