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MArch: Reflective Journal

Oliver Haigh

Fabric formwork physical modelling: iteration one

Updated: May 23, 2020

For the first fabric formwork physical modelling iteration, I elected for a full, uniform grid of bamboo – equally spaced and all of the same height. I made this choice for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it would let me understand how the plaster and fabric were going to behave together without unnecessary complications or distractions of other variables being irregular. Secondly, it should give me a good 'control' model which I can then compare other iterations back to, as I change other variables.

Photos of the casting process

As this was the first iteration, I didn’t know how much the fabric would stretch and therefore how great a volume of plaster would be required. I also wasn't certain on what consistency of plaster would be best to mix.

In this case, I underestimated the amount of plaster that would be required to cover the whole fabric surface. In spite of this, it was a useful exercise as a first exploration in the material properties of the fabric, elastane, and the plaster and how they work together, and the effects and forms that they can produce. The forms and the texture of the model is really pleasing, and this first test has shown that my base model and fabric-application method is fit for purpose.

Photos of the finished cast

In the next iteration, I will use a greater amount of plaster, and also not allow it get too thick before I pour it. This will mean that I get a better coverage of the fabric and thus a larger model, which will therefore be even more informative of the fabric casting process characteristics.


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