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MArch: Reflective Journal

Oliver Haigh

Developing the site: grid based on historical development

Updated: May 22, 2020

So far, most of my design development has been around the programme and materiality. Whilst I am only near the beginning of the project, it is also going to be important to start to think about what form this could materialise as on the site, at an infrastructural scale. One possible way to begin laying things out would to base the locations on past historical development of the site, such as the docks which have now mostly been filled in.

Sketches showing the historical dock locations and an applied grid based on this and the orientation of the site boundaries

The first sketch above show the historical dock locations on the current site plan – it is only the furthest south on this plan which still fully exists. The next sketch then shows how a triangulated grid can be derived from these dock locations.

Sketches showing possible primary and secondary axes of infrastructure and development, with permaculture zones emanating outwards from them

The next sketch shows how, based on this derived grid, a piece of primary infrastructure could be laid out in one direction, with subsequent incremental development branching off this in the direction of the other main axis. The final sketch then demonstrates one way in which the permaculture zones could be laid out around this, with the food and material production zones all relatively close to the spine of infrastructure, whilst the fringes of the site are all retained as wilderness.


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