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MArch: Reflective Journal

Oliver Haigh
May 3, 20203 min read
Technology DSIT C submission
I have just submitted my Design Studio Integrated Technology C (DSIT C) report. This is the second component that makes up the MArch2...

Oliver Haigh
Apr 11, 20205 min read
Fabric formwork physical modelling: reinforcement strategies tests
After testing out bracing, I've now moved back to the main set of physical testing, focused on fabric formwork. The latest aspect of the...

Oliver Haigh
Mar 27, 20203 min read
'Fabric Formwork', book by Alan Chandler and Remo Pedreschi
As well as carrying out my own physical modelling tests, I knew that I could also learn a lot about the fabric formwork process by...

Oliver Haigh
Dec 29, 20193 min read
'Smartcities, Resilient Landscapes + Eco-Warriors', book by CJ Lim and Ed Liu
As it is the Christmas break from teaching,I decided to take some time to read the Smartcities book that I bought at the end of CJ Lim's...

Oliver Haigh
Nov 23, 20192 min read
Representing time: the need for cartographic graphic consistency
As has already been stated, a large part of my analysis of the site has been focused around the history of the site and how it has...

Oliver Haigh
Oct 28, 20192 min read
Site-grown materials: bamboo
Having adopted agroforestry and permaculture as principles for the food-production programme on the site, I am now beginning to think...

Oliver Haigh
Oct 21, 20195 min read
Permaculture and agroforestry
After reading Vincent Walsh's article in Fruitful Futures: Imagining Pomona, I decided to undertake more research into the topic of...

Oliver Haigh
Oct 19, 20193 min read
Fruitful Futures: Imagining Pomona
Visiting the site for the first time really emphasised for me the importance of the nature and ecologies present on the site, so I then...

Oliver Haigh
Oct 13, 20193 min read
George Haydock film: 'Pomona Island' (2014)
"It's waiting, but I'm not quite sure what it's waiting for." ––– Luke Bennett [00:49] George Haydock's 2014 film Pomona Island is a...

Oliver Haigh
Oct 10, 20194 min read
Shin Egashira: a precedent study of design philosophy, methodology and process
In the first studio session of the year on the 3rd October, once the brief had been introduced, we were then given a precedent study...
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